The Church Basement Ladies
The musicals all center around our Church Basement Ladies and their beloved pastor.

Mrs. Lars Snustad
The matriarch of the kitchen, the Widow Vivian Snustad, holds fast to tradition with both hands.

Mrs. Elroy Engleson
The best dressed and the best cook, Karin understands the hierarchy of the kitchen. Mother to Beverly (Signe).

Mrs. Gilmer Gilmerson
An able-bodied farm wife, Mavis is always willing to peel a potato or scrub the lutefisk pot.

Beverly Signe Engleson
Daughter of Karin, Mrs. Harry Hauge grew up in the kitchen and dearly loves these women.

Pastor E.L Gunderson
A wonderful man if perhaps not a terribly dynamic preacher, Pastor finds solace in the basement
Other Characters

Elroy Engleson is the local John Deere dealer and the husband of Karin. After talking about him for years, audiences finally had a chance to meet Elroy in RISE UP, O MEN (#6).
Arlo first appeared in RISE UP, O MEN (#6) and was such a hit with audiences that he made another appearance in HARK! THE BASEMENT LADIES SING (#8)
Russell (played by Pastor) is a member of the community and first appeared in YOU SMELL BARN (#7)
Lyle (played by Pastor) first appeared in PLOWIN' THRU, and quickly become an audience favorite.

Carl, a member of the congregation (played by the same actor who plays Roger), first first showed up in RISE UP, O MEN (#6).
Roger (played by the same actor who plays Carl), is a traveling salesman and first appeared in RISE UP, O MEN.
Wally (played by the same actor who plays Wayne), appeared in HARK! THE BASEMENT LADIES SING (#8).
Wayne (played by the same actor who played Wally) is a young soldier serving in Germany and appeared in HARK! THE BASEMENT LADIES SING.

Butch and Evelyn (played by Pastor and Beverly) hosted the Midsummer dance in CBL7.
Tillie writes the gossip column for the local paper, and appeared in CBL7.
Fergus, the Irish hired man, first appeared in CBL7.
Arlene Jesperson (played by Pastor and later Elroy) was an offstage character for years before finally making an appearance in CBL5 and CBL6.
In CBL9 the church basement ladies also play bankers, local farmers Arnie and the Bjorgland Brothers, and the noisy Carlson kids.
Recurring Unseen Characters

HELEN CAUDILL: Helen comes to the church as the new parish worker in 1959, and soon becomes "Pastor's new wife."
BEVERLY BARSNESS: The church organist and soloist at all the weddings, you could drive a combine thru her vibrato.
WILLIE BJORNSON: Beloved custodian of the church, he passes away in CBL1 and is later replaced by Oscar.

GILMER GILMERSON: Accident prone farmer, Gilmer is husband to Mavis.
HARRY HAUGE: Beverly's high school crush and later her husband.
OSCAR: Vivian's beau, Oscar becomes the church custodian after Willie passes away.

THE HERMAN BOYS: There are 5 of them, and they are featured in CBL3 and CBL4.
CELESTE: A friend of Helen's from "the Cities," Celeste appears in CBL4.
JIMMY: 9 year old Beverly's imaginary friend, they have great adventures together in CBL7.